Monday, December 31, 2018

Been fixing up the graphics for the match 3 minigame. Connecting it to the database as well as the event system. Not quite done but it's looking a lot better. running a lot better too.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Hey everyone. been a busy, expensive week. Apart from the Christmas shopping and what-not I also had to grab a new monitor since mine was freaking out, and a new hard drive cuz mine was giving up. everyone is backed up and nothing was lost fortunately. But most of that was taken care of earlier during the week. The reason there was no stream this week was because I was working on this. The interaction hud (three images on the left)which is mostly complete (Possible to open multiple huds at once when clicking on stacked objects) and the costume change menu which is completely complete.

now the next thing to do it hook up the match 3 game to the database but while doing that I found some errors... surprise surprise. I don't think I'm gonna have the proof of concept done by Christmas or new years ladies and gents. But I'll keep at it and keep you guys posted.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

stream at 2pm, here's some alternate outfits sprites for the mc that I've been working on.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018

stream tomorrow at 2pst again.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

late post stream is a go.

planning to do a couple hours on sunday as well. 12-2pm pst

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Work continues

Still pollishing things. planning on doing a stream this weekend on Saturday, 2pm pst. Come hang out if interested. I can show the testing and what not.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hey guys just wanted to give to give you an update on what's going on. The parts are starting to come together. I am on the polish phase now. Working my way through to menus. Actually took a small side job just because I was getting so sick of coding but that'll be'll be wrapped up by the end of October. Increased the icon size which involved going back and changing the layout of the inventory menu. Little stuff like that. And because I know you guys are always curious of a deadline. All I can say is I haven't completely blown my 'proof of concept - christmas' schedual. There still a lot of little shit that needs done though and if something breaks in a major way, well you know how it goes~

And here's the Hacker Equipment Screen promised last post. It still has to go through the polish phase as well.

Friday, August 24, 2018

So I've been back for a bit. The match 3 game is now fully funtional. there's some balancing to test out but that won't be needed for the proof of concept. Character still needs to be resized but that uses dialogue sprites so I'm wait until I do a polish pass on that. And the blocks still need their final graphics.

At the moment I've gone back to working on the remaining menus that are needed for the proof of concept. With the match three game done I now what I'm aiming for now and what all needs to be laid out. Specifically I'm working on the options menu which just needs a graphical update and the Hacker Equipment screen. I'll post as I get them completed. Hopefully I should have one or both finished this weekend. Cheers. Also planning to stream at 2pm pst. I know, it's a been a while. Cheers.

Stream is at

Friday, August 3, 2018

Alright. Normally I only like showing stuff when it's done. But I'm going away to Penticton for a few days to visit and hang out with the fam so here's my current progress on the match three games. As you can see it is as of yet, a work in progress. More work needs to be done on the blocks, stuff needs resizing. need to hide those menus in the corner as well. but progress is steady. Had to do about two weeks of bug fixing a week into it. that was not fun.

Anyway hope to be back soon and back to work on this.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Some of the areas done. I'm sure I'll be tweaking them on a polish pass but they'll serve the proof of concept just fine. lost 2 character sprites, made two more. current working on the last big game mechanic. A match 3 mini game.

The mini game serves as a skill check. Used for unlocking digitally locked crates, or interacting with out more primitive machinery. It'll also be used for getting the girls to do things they wouldn't normally and in that case will work in conjunction with exploring their digital worlds. The Match 3 game should be my next update. Cheers.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

It's been a while so I figured I'd show you all what I've been working on. Work has been a major pain int he ass lately and there's been a couple snags with the art but progress continues as per the usual.