Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Okay, halfway through the playthrough of the prologue, figured I'd give you a step by step breakdown of what's been going on.

Rebuild and update the item database. Update loot drops and chest to match, add more chests. ::: Done.
Fix bug in quest system that causes quest not to update when changes are made. *this would screw you for playing subsequent chapters*  :::Workaround found.
New error found today: cutscene does not match updated rin faceset. Basically I have to redo a pic.

Sorry guys, going as fast as I can.


  1. So does this mean the gathering food quest at the start is completable or just gets put in the failed quest section? It's not a big deal as it is pretty much just an excuse to get you in the forest (and peeping at Fai if you figure it out :P ) but on the other hand I can be a bit of a completionist at times and knowing whether or not it's possible would help.

    Love the idea of more loot, I'm with Dryden in that you can never find enough shiny things.

    I take it the cutscene is when Rin is toying with Dryden in her room? Glad to hear you found one and can fix it.

    As for the speed, thanks for the update and no worries, rather it take awhile and be done right than rushed and not playable for 2 years. *cough*swordofthestars2*cough*

    1. Hey thats a important rule in hentai games if you peep on her she loves you more :P
      I gotta say she got a nice ass.
      And your not supposed to finish that quest

    2. Just don't try to do it to Grecian goddesses or your "stag night" ends bloody. And yes, she has a very nice ass, and technically we get to spank it when she tries to take us on in bone spirit form.

      Figured that was the case but it just sat there looking all "you can complete me if you REALLY try"...little liar.

    3. Depends what goddess. Aphrodite will love it. Athena is a bitch same as hera they will curse you.Nyx will scare you senceless.Artemis will hunt ya down. Rhea and hestia will luv you. As for the others im to lazy to write

    4. Good lord, David. Your posts always make me feel inadequate. How do I miss all these things?

    5. Sorry dude, not trying to do that to you. Just put it down to being obsessive about finding all loot and conversations and so on. In order to find the peeking scene, I had to literally walk along the tree line and find the hidden path. Of course that led me to do it in all the forest areas and in the paper mansion too, so there are side effects.

      And Nikola, the comment I made was referencing Artemis in particular, but in h-world terms, your descriptions of the other goddesses are pretty spot on.

    6. Ye i know bitch is crazy-"I want to live a life of chaste"
      Turned Callisto in a bear cos Zeus raped her so its Callistos fault.....

      And David any secrets in Paper mansion?

    7. None that I could find, Dryden was pretty much operating under the "get out while life and body are intact" prerogative in the Paper Mansion I think. You got a couple of areas where you can go into the walls a space or 2 but they don't go anywhere.

      So I have become the secret master of bonehead hmm? Hehehe, hehehehe, Hahahaha, BWAHAHAHAHA!...ahem, I think that sounds lovely.

    8. Good god, what have we created?

    9. Nothing you can take back my friends, the creation is, who wants cookies?

    10. Hmmmmmm.... this could be a trap.... but on the other hand, .... cookies.......*raises hand* I do.

    11. Welcome to the dark side! There's no backing out and the cookies are a lie...they are like crunchy cake after all :P

    12. They are Chocolate Chip.Dark side only deals with Chocolate Chip cookies.And you can be Secret Master but Im takin the title of Lore Master (hehe)
      Reg is Game Master
      Ryo........Weed Master? :P


    13. .... I knew it... fine then instead of Secret Master, you may refer to me as Super Mega Ultra Alpha Omega Hyper (after a while)... Bigger, Longer and Uncut Guru

  2. that your finding the errors and fixing them just means when it does come out, we'll get to play a better game. It's been a long time since the demo, but we can wait a bit longer, I should think

  3. Im a bit confused if your doin a playtrough does that mean dung 4 is done?

  4. Slow down a little... i'm patient and i hope others are too.

  5. Hey yo, regless, you checked out THE EPIC TALE OF THE FORSAKEN HERO light novel?
