Sunday, March 10, 2019

Better version of the school entrance map. I actually finished this last Monday then my harddrive fried and i've been been slowly putting everything back together. Didn't lose much thankfully since almost everything was on the external harddrive I got when my old one starting futzing out a couple months ago.


  1. Looking really cool. Bonehead's themes and designs impressive, so I can't wait to see this released.

  2. Looks pretty good, this is for the game similar to Battle Network, right?

  3. Hello, look like it's something completely different so do you continue to work on bonehead ? (the demo i tried a few years ago was really promising)

    1. Basically this is a new project for a new engine because I didn't know what I could actually do with game maker. I do plan to do bonehead in the same engine and switch between projects chapter by chapter so I don't get fatigued working on one thing for too long.
