Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Another map done. Just an update to show I'm not dead.


  1. It's looking great. Just a comment to show we still care! <3

  2. Excuse me regless, but...what happened to bonehead? i have been following your blog forever and i feel like i didnt read something very important

    1. It's still getting worked on. It's just a new engine needed to be made because of all the crashes RPG Maker was having with Bonehead. This game is a new idea and also an engine he can use for bonehead in the future. When this game gets it's first few updates out I bet he'll start remaking the whole of Bonehead again with this new engine, might be better than before.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. People started having a bunch of crashes that I couldn't find or reproduce so I started a new pet project in game maker to see if that was a viable alternative to rpg maker. I actually have some redone art assets for bone head in game maker but the pet project is my current focus. At least until I get the first chapter out.

  3. Hey Regless just checking in and wondering if you have a date set for the first 'Test' Release at all. Have you made any new videos of any new features? Do you have a Discord server yet? <---- Sorry for Nagging on about that, I just think it's an easier way to spread information, though I do see how it can be annoying at times.

    Just wondering how long we have left till we get to play and I hope this doesn't become an "Epic Exclusive" xD

    1. Aiming for christmas. I think I'll have everything done a bit before that though. I did screw up the menus so that might be a time sink. (I was suppose to start small and scale up, i did the opposite and now certain menus become illegible at low resolutions) But I may just skip it for the test since I don't think it'll be an issue for most people.

      No new video although there is a bunch of stuff I haven't shown. a bunch of in progress npcs. Lighting system which I mentioned before but spent the last 2-3 weeks fixing because it was drawing surfaces wrong and game maker blend modes don't work like Photoshop ones and a slew of small animations for when you interact with stuff.

      No discord because... Well I just don't think the interest is gonna be there until I release something. I am doing monthly updates now which is working better than the weekly ones since I usually have something to show.

      And lol. Ahh I do miss shooting the shit about gaming news in the streams. Since I'm most just coding right now that's not gonna work. Looking forward to getting to the point where most of what I'm doing is just art again.
