Friday, July 26, 2013

Oy. so I figured I get this underway. I left a small update at hongfire but for those of you who check here exclusively, I haven't died and the project hasn't slowed down... much. I bought a new cintiq, it doesn't work, getting it fixed. That'll be about two weeks. Also moving, that's kind of a major annoyance.

As for actual progress, I've been doing character sets, writing events, finishing touches on maps. You know, stuff I do without my cintiq. Just finished a char-set today actually and I think it was the last one. Maps are about 75% done. Thanks to CosmicKitty and GoatRider for your hard work. I want to update a few character designs. but that's kinda periferal/last thought/finish everything else first sort of deal. So most of what's left is eventing and drawing H scenes. The latter of which I can't do right now.

And I'm sure there's plenty of people out their who would like a release date, or even a ball park release. Well last time I said June and then work picked up. June went Bye Bye and it's still many months off, which is why I don't like release dates. Shit slides sideways at any given time. For now just know the group is puttering along consistently as ever. Take care and I'll keep you posted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i prefer you work h scenes last one cos i like your game and with game that great i dont care about h scenes

  3. Just glad to hear you are okay and things are getting back on track. What we've seen so far has been so cool. Good luck.

  4. That pesky RL interfering again. Oh well, it just makes the anticipation all that greater, so it will be so much sweeter when we do finally see the release. Looking forward to it, whenever RL allows you to get it ready for us.

  5. Glad this project is not dead. More power to you and don't give up ^_^

  6. The game looks interesting, but I cant seem to download from mediafire. Can you use other filehost please?

  7. Hope you are doing great, checking here every few months. The expectation never died :D

  8. How's the game coming along, any significant progress?

    1. Quite a bit. Two sidequests, a couple larger charsets, which I'll show in the next post. Mapper got his internet back tokay, found a couple scripts that allow for more advanced timer controls. And a little something else that won't show up till chapter three but I want to see if I can get it working now.

    2. So basically when you release something playable beyond what you can see in the demo its going to be like the first two chapters. So instead of small updates every week it huge updates every few months or so.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. That's part of it. The bits I'm working on now aren't really to heavy on the art side so it's not as fun to show previews. And I don't want to tell you about all the events because I don't want to give too much away.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. First of all, I like this game. Second, from were can I download the latest version of the game?

    1. The demo is the only version currently released.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Patiently waiting for whatever new things are thrown this way

    1. It seems there is alot of content per chapter, so at least the wait should be worth it.
