Saturday, December 26, 2015
Okay, it's been a bit so i think it's time for another stream, tomorrow at 4pm pst. Sorry for not doing them more often. Lotsa stuff been going on. Old cintiq died so I had to buy another one. Holidays and mapping tool have been keeping me busy. Was planning on today by my place is a pig sty thanks to Christmas and I need to do some serious cleaning before this place becomes a quarantine zone.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
News and Updates
So some of you have seen me working on new tools in the stream but there seems to be some confusion as to what the tools are actually for. It would be great if I could use them with RPGMaker, but sadly that is not the case. The tools I'm making are in no way compatible with RPGmaker and in fact don't even use the same coding language. They for something else, Something that I intend to actually make money off of eventually if I can actually get it working.
However it is true that a number of characters already have facesets and/or charsets and a couple already have battlers as some of you found in the graphics folder. Also I won't be redoing nearly every single art asset like I ended up doing last time. For now though. I'm enjoying catching up on games, making some wicked tools, and a bit of bug fixing as a nice way to relax.
As for when exactly I'm going to be getting back to work on this stuff. probably not until next year. And I'll be looking to bring some help on board for the writing/eventing. I'm going to include this info in the main post so everyone will see it.
I'm back to checking the blog every couple days instead of every couple minutes like I was doing when I released this chapter, so if you don't hear from me, don't worry I'm not dead and I haven't gone far. I also intend to keep doing the streams so I get loose what little artistic talent I have and I can show you anything else I've been working on. Take care.
News and Updates
So some of you have seen me working on new tools in the stream but there seems to be some confusion as to what the tools are actually for. It would be great if I could use them with RPGMaker, but sadly that is not the case. The tools I'm making are in no way compatible with RPGmaker and in fact don't even use the same coding language. They for something else, Something that I intend to actually make money off of eventually if I can actually get it working.
However it is true that a number of characters already have facesets and/or charsets and a couple already have battlers as some of you found in the graphics folder. Also I won't be redoing nearly every single art asset like I ended up doing last time. For now though. I'm enjoying catching up on games, making some wicked tools, and a bit of bug fixing as a nice way to relax.
As for when exactly I'm going to be getting back to work on this stuff. probably not until next year. And I'll be looking to bring some help on board for the writing/eventing. I'm going to include this info in the main post so everyone will see it.
I'm back to checking the blog every couple days instead of every couple minutes like I was doing when I released this chapter, so if you don't hear from me, don't worry I'm not dead and I haven't gone far. I also intend to keep doing the streams so I get loose what little artistic talent I have and I can show you anything else I've been working on. Take care.
EDIT: No stream this week. Just a little too busy unfortunately. See you all later.
Fixed in V1.17
-Fixed a bug that caused crashing in Fai's shack.
-Fixed a bug that caused fighting skeletons in the town checkpoint to crash the game.
-fixed a bug that caused you to be unable to turn into the Bone Spirit after getting the wind spirit.
-Tons of spelling mistakes. Don't think I ot all of them yet though.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Time for a new Bug fix post. I'm trying to do this whenever the load more option comes on of the blog. Stupid thing makes navigating a pain in the butt. And same as last time I'm only going to include the bugs that weren't uploaded yet or haven't been fixed to help avoid this topic from being massive.
On the upside it seems the bugs that are actually fixable are starting to wind down a bit. Thank heavens. I honestly thought it wouldn't be as bad as last time. And thank you guys for all your hard work in finding these these errors. I know it's a grueling pain in the ass for this kind of game.
Fixed In V1.16
-Fai doesn't leave party after bear fight.
-Can still trigger man and Bao Shon Private action after they're taken away.
-Not getting reward for bear quest.
-Chest information error. Says you get Igneous Claw recipe when in fact you are getting Fuzzy Sandals recipe.
-Wind strike usable out of battle
-Jail door graphic switching.
-disappearing guard in Infernal Site
-Cracked skull shield called dense skull in crafting system.
-Could break the game if you left blacks key and exited the map.
-Hive Graphic not going away once you leave the infested temple.
-Fai and Ryo still Kuro's basement after they join you.
-Paralyze Talisman's not equipable.
-Dead guard at fort shale missing direction fix flag.
-Graphic and floor level glitch in Fai's quest, prove it.
-Jail cells giving wrong dialogue.
-Duplicated the mimic in Kuro's Castle... not sure what else to put there so maybe i'll leave it blank for now and add the traveling merchant later.
-FlashBomb uses MP
-Dialogue for small holes in blightwoods and Fai's shack fixed.
-Removed Fai's beastiary skill since I can't get it to work the way I wanted it. (Won't take effect if you already have it.)
Fixed but not Uploaded:
-Large area you can walk through in Kuro's mansion.
-Crash in checkpoint when you fight the skeletons. *Sorry it took me so long to find this one. Kept thing it was a random crash.* In actuality it was me forgetting I have to set the background for areas where you fight through scripts.
-more pieces of the bone armor not named properly in the crafting system.
Bugs not Fixed:
-Balancing issue: I want to make a character that shows up in dungeons and will sell you things you can restock your healing items before you face off against the bosses. Not an NPC but an actual character.
-I spelt aquired wrong in a graphic... maybe more than one.
-292 errors. They don't pop up on my game. Have been adding extra events to see if that helps. Can anyone experience these error tell me if you are using the full screen code?
-herbs don't affect other stats.
-F12 stack level too deep: Pending
On the upside it seems the bugs that are actually fixable are starting to wind down a bit. Thank heavens. I honestly thought it wouldn't be as bad as last time. And thank you guys for all your hard work in finding these these errors. I know it's a grueling pain in the ass for this kind of game.
Fixed In V1.16
-Fai doesn't leave party after bear fight.
-Can still trigger man and Bao Shon Private action after they're taken away.
-Not getting reward for bear quest.
-Chest information error. Says you get Igneous Claw recipe when in fact you are getting Fuzzy Sandals recipe.
-Wind strike usable out of battle
-Jail door graphic switching.
-disappearing guard in Infernal Site
-Cracked skull shield called dense skull in crafting system.
-Could break the game if you left blacks key and exited the map.
-Hive Graphic not going away once you leave the infested temple.
-Fai and Ryo still Kuro's basement after they join you.
-Paralyze Talisman's not equipable.
-Dead guard at fort shale missing direction fix flag.
-Graphic and floor level glitch in Fai's quest, prove it.
-Jail cells giving wrong dialogue.
-Duplicated the mimic in Kuro's Castle... not sure what else to put there so maybe i'll leave it blank for now and add the traveling merchant later.
-FlashBomb uses MP
-Dialogue for small holes in blightwoods and Fai's shack fixed.
-Removed Fai's beastiary skill since I can't get it to work the way I wanted it. (Won't take effect if you already have it.)
Fixed but not Uploaded:
-Large area you can walk through in Kuro's mansion.
-Crash in checkpoint when you fight the skeletons. *Sorry it took me so long to find this one. Kept thing it was a random crash.* In actuality it was me forgetting I have to set the background for areas where you fight through scripts.
-more pieces of the bone armor not named properly in the crafting system.
Bugs not Fixed:
-Balancing issue: I want to make a character that shows up in dungeons and will sell you things you can restock your healing items before you face off against the bosses. Not an NPC but an actual character.
-I spelt aquired wrong in a graphic... maybe more than one.
-292 errors. They don't pop up on my game. Have been adding extra events to see if that helps. Can anyone experience these error tell me if you are using the full screen code?
-herbs don't affect other stats.
-F12 stack level too deep: Pending
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Just a heads up. I want to do a stream tomorrow. I think it might help with the bug fixing. Also going to start a new error report thread here because the last one got massive again. As soon as V1.12 is up I'll start listing the bugs again, although it'll only be the new ones and one carried over from the last version.
Fixed V1.12:
-Fur missing fluff text
-Cracked horn focus horn naming issue.
-talking to mother from certain direction freezes game
-can repeatedly talk to mother to far romance points
-Flint Item duplication
-Blank Items when Regless injures you in Autumn Woods
-Able to sneak around Regless
-292 Crash in Hunters Cave
-Two chests say they have recipe for Bone Guard, one is actually a gauntlet.
-Can't enter Fort through back after Mad Furnace fight.
-Mad Furnace can lock up if Bao Shon saved.
Fixed in V1.13
-can't find chest that gives gold instead of yen. If you know where it is, let me know. *thank you*
-Getting item harvested messages like 50 times after lady Yin beats you.
-missed another issue with he bear event
-Getting stranded on island platforms in Black's mansion.
-Skeletons locking up conversations
-Monster in Autumn woods before chapter 1.
-Removed a bunch of initialization errors. Might still be more.
-no recipe notification for cloth
-Blight Woods graphical error.
-monster not trigger fights when they touch you, you have to touch them.
-Fai starts off with Blank item equipped
-guards in checkpoint non-responsive after certain point.
-no attack animation for the beer bandages
-Still able to duplicate Fai. Hopefully not anymore.
-fox that traps Leia respawns if she leaves your party before chapter 1.
-Also I had an idea for a fix for the crafting system. Not sure if that'll work though. Gonna need you guys to test since it works fine on my computer still. My theory is that the rf file that controls everything has to be made on your own computer *Which is does at startup unless there's already one there* using the one from my game may be what's causing the crashes.
Fixed in V1.14
-Can only use tail hook as Dryden
-Bridge issue in Cave where you meet Codachi and Jade spawn a new problem when I fixed it.
-Unable to drop Ryo off after meeting Fai in her shack
-Blank screen in fai's shack after talk about tunnels.
-A crap tone of spelling mistakes.
-Infernal Site name not showing up correctly
-Can change to bone spirit inside Fort.
-Bank item for Ryo's Shield skill.
Fixed in V1.15
-Leia's Flash bomb can be used outside of battle.
-Mother character's romance is 300 to high.
-Can still farm romance from mother.
-some of the alcohols were not consumable.
-You could get kicked down the hole twice.
-Two weapons for the Bone Spirit *Such as the hard claw* were not actually usable by the Bone Spirit.
-A bug where you can still get Leia after Fai kidnaps her if you started her quest before starting Fai's *untested: Should now force you to finish Fai's quest first before you can do Leia's*
-Flare ambush underneath fort turns player invisible
-Can gimp the mushroom Quest by doing it after Ryo hides out at Fai's shack.
-Chest at the end of Fai's Gauntlet tells you get the wrong item. It's not a cloth sash recipe, it's a poison talisman recipe.
Fixed but not Uploaded:
-Fai doesn't leave party after bear fight.
-Can still trigger man and Bao Shon Private action after they're taken away.
-Not getting reward for bear quest.
-Chest information error. Says you get Igneous Claw recipe when in fact you are getting fuzzy sandals recipe.
-Wind strike usable out of battle
-Jail door graphic switching.
-disappearing guard in Infernal Site
Bugs not Fixed:
-Balancing issue: I want to make a character that shows up in dungeons and will sell you things you can restock your healing items before you face off against the bosses. Not an NPC but an actual character.
-I spelt aquired wrong in a graphic... maybe more than one.
-292 errors. They don't pop up on my game. Have been adding extra events to see if that helps. Can anyone experience these error tell me if you are using the full screen code?
-herbs don't affect other stats.
-F12 stack level too deep: Pending
Fixed V1.12:
-Fur missing fluff text
-Cracked horn focus horn naming issue.
-talking to mother from certain direction freezes game
-can repeatedly talk to mother to far romance points
-Flint Item duplication
-Blank Items when Regless injures you in Autumn Woods
-Able to sneak around Regless
-292 Crash in Hunters Cave
-Two chests say they have recipe for Bone Guard, one is actually a gauntlet.
-Can't enter Fort through back after Mad Furnace fight.
-Mad Furnace can lock up if Bao Shon saved.
Fixed in V1.13
-can't find chest that gives gold instead of yen. If you know where it is, let me know. *thank you*
-Getting item harvested messages like 50 times after lady Yin beats you.
-missed another issue with he bear event
-Getting stranded on island platforms in Black's mansion.
-Skeletons locking up conversations
-Monster in Autumn woods before chapter 1.
-Removed a bunch of initialization errors. Might still be more.
-no recipe notification for cloth
-Blight Woods graphical error.
-monster not trigger fights when they touch you, you have to touch them.
-Fai starts off with Blank item equipped
-guards in checkpoint non-responsive after certain point.
-no attack animation for the beer bandages
-Still able to duplicate Fai. Hopefully not anymore.
-fox that traps Leia respawns if she leaves your party before chapter 1.
-Also I had an idea for a fix for the crafting system. Not sure if that'll work though. Gonna need you guys to test since it works fine on my computer still. My theory is that the rf file that controls everything has to be made on your own computer *Which is does at startup unless there's already one there* using the one from my game may be what's causing the crashes.
Fixed in V1.14
-Can only use tail hook as Dryden
-Bridge issue in Cave where you meet Codachi and Jade spawn a new problem when I fixed it.
-Unable to drop Ryo off after meeting Fai in her shack
-Blank screen in fai's shack after talk about tunnels.
-A crap tone of spelling mistakes.
-Infernal Site name not showing up correctly
-Can change to bone spirit inside Fort.
-Bank item for Ryo's Shield skill.
Fixed in V1.15
-Leia's Flash bomb can be used outside of battle.
-Mother character's romance is 300 to high.
-Can still farm romance from mother.
-some of the alcohols were not consumable.
-You could get kicked down the hole twice.
-Two weapons for the Bone Spirit *Such as the hard claw* were not actually usable by the Bone Spirit.
-A bug where you can still get Leia after Fai kidnaps her if you started her quest before starting Fai's *untested: Should now force you to finish Fai's quest first before you can do Leia's*
-Flare ambush underneath fort turns player invisible
-Can gimp the mushroom Quest by doing it after Ryo hides out at Fai's shack.
-Chest at the end of Fai's Gauntlet tells you get the wrong item. It's not a cloth sash recipe, it's a poison talisman recipe.
Fixed but not Uploaded:
-Fai doesn't leave party after bear fight.
-Can still trigger man and Bao Shon Private action after they're taken away.
-Not getting reward for bear quest.
-Chest information error. Says you get Igneous Claw recipe when in fact you are getting fuzzy sandals recipe.
-Wind strike usable out of battle
-Jail door graphic switching.
-disappearing guard in Infernal Site
Bugs not Fixed:
-Balancing issue: I want to make a character that shows up in dungeons and will sell you things you can restock your healing items before you face off against the bosses. Not an NPC but an actual character.
-I spelt aquired wrong in a graphic... maybe more than one.
-292 errors. They don't pop up on my game. Have been adding extra events to see if that helps. Can anyone experience these error tell me if you are using the full screen code?
-herbs don't affect other stats.
-F12 stack level too deep: Pending
Thursday, October 22, 2015
New bug report thread.
Oh think I got it this time. Good luck everybody.
Update: First set of bug fixes done including the game breaker at the Blacksmith. I'll do another set tomorrow and actually start listing what ones have been fixed and which ones are still pending tomorrow after work.
Fixed and uploaded
-BlackSmith argument error: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Press C for private action when it's actually Z: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Lady Yin won't Won't attack: Fixed, Not yet uploaded.
-Too many fffs in opening dialogue: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Music missing from Paper Mansion: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Aristocrat graphic missing: Fixed, Uploaded.
-C class info missing in temple: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Dryden and Bone spirit missing skills to turn into each other: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Screen Goes black after unlocking gate after Regless boss: Fixed, Uploaded. Untested. This event is
pretty complicated so I'm not sure I fixed the problem for every possible scenario.
-Rin's Grave event on wrong grave: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Getting stuck in Bao Shon's Furnace: Fixed, Uploaded.
-comment on Bao Shon rescuing you too early: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Guard dropping weird ass shit: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Leia in two places at once: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Game saying you got a focus horn when it was actually something else: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Imperial blocking Lady Yin's room: Fixed
-Small fang Duplicated: Fixed *Need to check recipes*
-Dingy Stabs duplicate: Fixed
-Defence Herb chext info wrong: Fixed
-Fur Item duplicated: Fixed
-Item incorrect, Cracked tail: Fixed
-Overlapping info in temple: Fixed
-Talk to Regless on left side and it screw up the movement: Fixed
-Lady Yin only attacking once: Fixed
-Item Gathering at end of prologued giving incorrect info.: Fixed
-Dialogue not triggering after beating bear. Fixed in data file
-Imperial blocking Lady Yin's room: Fixed in data file
-Deleted duplicate item entries *had previosly just stopped you from getting them. Now they'll show up as blanks. Can't get them out of your inventory though because that's in your save file.*
-Bao Shon making the necklace before she asks what kind of gem you brought. Fixed in data file
-Blacksmith thanking you for jewel too soon. Fixed in data File... I think.
-Jar of Water Item duplication Tavern gives wrong items. *Kind of worried some recipes depend on these wrong items.*
-Imperial now leaves but there is an invisible wall until you reopen the door.
-Problem playing music with Chinese characters in the name.
-Fai bathing charset showing up in chapter one when it's not suppose to.
-Potion chest in blight woods includes lady yin even after prologue.
-Regless boss scene triggering after prologue *Also a few minor things, like it was randomly giving you items for some reason* Fixed: untested.
-Fai Duplication during her quest
-Old man lodges himself into enrance in the tavern: Moved him further away.-Event after rescuing Coadachi freezes player: Fixed, untested
-Can trigger event with Jade from wrong level.
-Able to Recruit Ryo during private action.
-Ryo Doesn't recover life after prologue
-Gathering items in the Blight woods not reset
-Blank items in Fai's house.
-Old love letter in temple doesn't trigger item found message.
-cloth headband does not trigger recipe acquired message.
-Leia's water bombs cost MP.
-Incorrect item info spinal tail --> cracked tail.
-Quest revealed popping up twice.
-Chest at Yin's camp open on arrival.
-spelling error: thinGs --> things
-spelling error: a claws --> claws
-spelling error: oppinion --> opinion
-spelling error: helathy --->healthy
-spelling error: smoother--> smother
-spelling error: Rin's room. so-->to
-Codachi Scene triggering before you even find her. *Need to load before you enter Fort Shale and Ryo mentions a secret passage*
-Leia Chimes in on a conversation with Ryo when she's not in the party.
-chest telling you you got the wrong item depending on if you were in costume or not. *Cracked skull shield
-chest in bar not making opening sound.
-smoke from fire place at Blight Woods there when it should not be.
-mother shows up for Private action in temple courtyard after being taken away.
-Ryo walks up to you and freezes the game after ambushed at the creek.
-Dryden Doesn't auto transform after being thrown off cliff. Fixed: untested*
-Drop Fai off Dialogue repeats non-stop.
-music changes from outside town to inside temple.
Leia's face doesn't show up when she talks while Dryden threatens the homeless.
-Blank Screen Still not going away at Fai Shack. Playtesters are reporting it's linked to the audio bug. *Checked the audio file. it's fine on my end. Not sure why it keeps transforming.*
-Fur outside Fai's shack give a blank item. *Thought you meant the chest inside the first time*
-Leia reinitialized after Fai bathing scene, resetting her parameterrs and equipment.
-Cloth ribbon hidden behind crates is actually cloth ribbon recipe
-Sealed entrance Codachi came out of. Not suppose to be able to go through there yet.
-Bola doesn't do anything
-Swamp takes you to wrong area.
-Regless still in BlightWoods after defeat.
-Auto transform when you first get the bone armor.
-Wrong picture showing up after beating Mad Furnace.
-events trigger when you enter Fai shack, just behind the house, when they're not suppose to.
-After beating mad furnace, get scene with Dryden's mom.
Fixed in Data File:
Fixed but not yet uploaded:
-Fur missing fluff text.
-Crack horn/focus horn issue on page 2 of the event.
-talking to her from certain side freezes the game.
-Can repeatedly talk to mother after rescued to farm romance points.
-Can skip one of the epjective in Leia's Big Bang quest.
-Flint item duplicated.
-get blank items when Regless injures you at Autumn Woods.
-Able to sneek around Regless in autumn woods.
-292 crash in hunter's cave.
-Two chests say they have recipe for Bone Guard, one is Bone Gauntlet.
-Can't enter the Fort through the back after defeating mad furnace.
-Something after mad furnace boss fight caused the event to lock up.
Not Fixed
-Skeleton's locking up conversations.
-Can only use the Tail hook as Dryden. *Is everyone having the same problem with this one. Opposite is true for me.*
-aid Codachi after fire elemental doesn't increase romance like it says it does. Having trouble finding out how that happened. *people have having this one or was it just an anomaly?*
-herbs don't effect other sides stats. Not sure how to fix this one.
-Chest gives 500 Gold instead of Yen
F12 stack level too deep: Pending
249 No method error.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
So, Looks like I'm going to make the deadline after all. For those that remember last time I tried to do a release it was through dropbox and basically sucked. Downloads were long, slow and often missed basic mandatory files. Fortunately someone contacted me with a solution for that this time. I'm trying to encrypt the file now, it'll be up later today unless the new host gives me problems *Still new to their system*. I'll let you know where and when it is.
Might as well use this as the official bug report thread as well. Cheers.
Update: Okay, so the game is going up on a website called Kimochi. Essentially it was to become the steam of adult games.
How does it work. Well you go to a website HERE!, make an account, and download the client. And the rest you should be able to figure out on your own. It's all free so no worries there. Leave a comment here if you're still lost.
It's in beta, went through the forums and apparently some bugs pop up. Tried it myself and it seem to work fine... the second time... yeah if the download gets stuck just close the client down and try again.
Now some of you are probably wondering why I don't use MegaUpload. Well I'm giving this a shot for a couple reasons. Last time I tried Mega the upload limit was too small and mega pages can go down without warning... Hopefully that won't happen with this but if it does I can always try Mega again later.
At the moment the game has not gone live on the store although it has been submitted and I've been in contact with developer so it seems like it should happen pretty quick. I'll put another update once I get word it's live.
FOR NEWCOMERS: You will need a font. You can download it Here!
Update: Alright. Bonehead is live on Kimochi, and I'm also uploading to Mega for 32 bit users. I'll let you know when that's finished.
Alright. If I'm understanding Mega's system correctly. This should be the download link.
Oh think I got it this time. Good luck everybody.
Update: First set of bug fixes done including the game breaker at the Blacksmith. I'll do another set tomorrow and actually start listing what ones have been fixed and which ones are still pending tomorrow after work.
Fixed and uploaded
-BlackSmith argument error: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Press C for private action when it's actually Z: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Lady Yin won't Won't attack: Fixed, Not yet uploaded.
-Too many fffs in opening dialogue: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Music missing from Paper Mansion: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Aristocrat graphic missing: Fixed, Uploaded.
-C class info missing in temple: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Dryden and Bone spirit missing skills to turn into each other: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Screen Goes black after unlocking gate after Regless boss: Fixed, Uploaded. Untested. This event is
pretty complicated so I'm not sure I fixed the problem for every possible scenario.
-Rin's Grave event on wrong grave: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Getting stuck in Bao Shon's Furnace: Fixed, Uploaded.
-comment on Bao Shon rescuing you too early: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Guard dropping weird ass shit: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Leia in two places at once: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Game saying you got a focus horn when it was actually something else: Fixed, Uploaded.
Imperial blocking Lady Yin's room: Fixed
Small fang Duplicated: Fixed *Need to check recipes*
Dingy Stabs duplicate: Fixed
Defence Herb chext info wrong: Fixed
Fur Item duplicated: Fixed
Item incorrect, Cracked tail: Fixed
Overlapping info in temple: Fixed
Talk to Regless on left side and it screw up the movement: Fixed
Lady Yin only attacking once: Fixed
Item Gathering at end of prologued giving incorrect info.: Fixed
Dialogue not triggering after beating bear. Fixed in data file
Imperial blocking Lady Yin's room: Fixed in data file
Deleted duplicate item entries *had previosly just stopped you from getting them. Now they'll show up as blanks. Can't get them out of your inventory though because that's in your save file.*
Bao Shon making the necklace before she asks what kind of gem you brought. Fixed in data file
Blacksmith thanking you for jewel too soon. Fixed in data File... I think.
Fixed but not yet uploaded:
Not Fixed
Problem playing music with Chinese characters in the name.
Autoevent in jail *My just be left over from earlier build, have to check*
Jar of Water Item duplication
F12 stack level too deep: Pending
292 No method error occured in Autumn Woods.
249 No method error.
Might as well use this as the official bug report thread as well. Cheers.
Update: Okay, so the game is going up on a website called Kimochi. Essentially it was to become the steam of adult games.
How does it work. Well you go to a website HERE!, make an account, and download the client. And the rest you should be able to figure out on your own. It's all free so no worries there. Leave a comment here if you're still lost.
It's in beta, went through the forums and apparently some bugs pop up. Tried it myself and it seem to work fine... the second time... yeah if the download gets stuck just close the client down and try again.
Now some of you are probably wondering why I don't use MegaUpload. Well I'm giving this a shot for a couple reasons. Last time I tried Mega the upload limit was too small and mega pages can go down without warning... Hopefully that won't happen with this but if it does I can always try Mega again later.
At the moment the game has not gone live on the store although it has been submitted and I've been in contact with developer so it seems like it should happen pretty quick. I'll put another update once I get word it's live.
FOR NEWCOMERS: You will need a font. You can download it Here!
Update: Alright. Bonehead is live on Kimochi, and I'm also uploading to Mega for 32 bit users. I'll let you know when that's finished.
Alright. If I'm understanding Mega's system correctly. This should be the download link.
Oh think I got it this time. Good luck everybody.
Update: First set of bug fixes done including the game breaker at the Blacksmith. I'll do another set tomorrow and actually start listing what ones have been fixed and which ones are still pending tomorrow after work.
Fixed and uploaded
-BlackSmith argument error: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Press C for private action when it's actually Z: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Lady Yin won't Won't attack: Fixed, Not yet uploaded.
-Too many fffs in opening dialogue: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Music missing from Paper Mansion: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Aristocrat graphic missing: Fixed, Uploaded.
-C class info missing in temple: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Dryden and Bone spirit missing skills to turn into each other: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Screen Goes black after unlocking gate after Regless boss: Fixed, Uploaded. Untested. This event is
pretty complicated so I'm not sure I fixed the problem for every possible scenario.
-Rin's Grave event on wrong grave: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Getting stuck in Bao Shon's Furnace: Fixed, Uploaded.
-comment on Bao Shon rescuing you too early: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Guard dropping weird ass shit: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Leia in two places at once: Fixed, Uploaded.
-Game saying you got a focus horn when it was actually something else: Fixed, Uploaded.
Imperial blocking Lady Yin's room: Fixed
Small fang Duplicated: Fixed *Need to check recipes*
Dingy Stabs duplicate: Fixed
Defence Herb chext info wrong: Fixed
Fur Item duplicated: Fixed
Item incorrect, Cracked tail: Fixed
Overlapping info in temple: Fixed
Talk to Regless on left side and it screw up the movement: Fixed
Lady Yin only attacking once: Fixed
Item Gathering at end of prologued giving incorrect info.: Fixed
Dialogue not triggering after beating bear. Fixed in data file
Imperial blocking Lady Yin's room: Fixed in data file
Deleted duplicate item entries *had previosly just stopped you from getting them. Now they'll show up as blanks. Can't get them out of your inventory though because that's in your save file.*
Bao Shon making the necklace before she asks what kind of gem you brought. Fixed in data file
Blacksmith thanking you for jewel too soon. Fixed in data File... I think.
Fixed but not yet uploaded:
Not Fixed
Problem playing music with Chinese characters in the name.
Autoevent in jail *My just be left over from earlier build, have to check*
Jar of Water Item duplication
F12 stack level too deep: Pending
292 No method error occured in Autumn Woods.
249 No method error.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Alright. No stream today. Hard at work trying to get the last couple events fixed up. As for releasing on the twentieth. It's going to be close. As I'm writing this now. I'm still on track to make that release date. Man would it be nice to actually make one of my own deadlines for once.
As for Beta testing. I've decided to release the game here first for everyone for a couple weeks so that everyone here can report any bugs or errors they come across. Reason being you've all been really patient and I don't want to be a dick and say 'oh yeah sure it's released' just not for you' at the last minute.
As for what's actually left. 1 and 1/2 events. and then some bug testing and minor fixes.
When the game is released I plan on sticking around for a bit (About a month) to fix the bugs, as well as possibly add some more content. Nothing major. Just sometimes I don't get a good idea for a scene or something until after the fact, and I don't want to wait another couple years to put it in. Or adding in a couple lines here and there to help set up future plot developments that aren't completely planned out yet.
And I think that's it. Take care and see you in hopefully a couple days.
As for Beta testing. I've decided to release the game here first for everyone for a couple weeks so that everyone here can report any bugs or errors they come across. Reason being you've all been really patient and I don't want to be a dick and say 'oh yeah sure it's released' just not for you' at the last minute.
As for what's actually left. 1 and 1/2 events. and then some bug testing and minor fixes.
When the game is released I plan on sticking around for a bit (About a month) to fix the bugs, as well as possibly add some more content. Nothing major. Just sometimes I don't get a good idea for a scene or something until after the fact, and I don't want to wait another couple years to put it in. Or adding in a couple lines here and there to help set up future plot developments that aren't completely planned out yet.
And I think that's it. Take care and see you in hopefully a couple days.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Hey everyone. Sorry no stream last week, my 80 year grandmother took me zip lining up at the top of a mountain. Sounds like the start of a joke but that's what happened. Was a lot of fun. Anyway, I need to make a few battle backs for the game, so I figured I'd post and update them here as I get more work down on them. Not the greatest, I know. But they should suffice.
I'm hoping to get them all done in two weeks or less. I've pretty much sworn off games until I get this chapter out. Starting to get one hell of a backlog.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Want to give you guys an update. Got my computer back a couple days ago and have been working on the third dungeon. No stream this week though because I want to see if I can make up a bit of the work I missed out on. Cheers.
Update: Finished something off. Figured I'd show you guys since I know you gents like to see new stuff.
Update: Finished something off. Figured I'd show you guys since I know you gents like to see new stuff.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Last thread got kind long so starting a new one. Stream at 4:00
Been a while since I uploaded a pic so I figured I'd do that.
This lil monster is called Emma Mush.
Aug/26: Also I think I'm gonna starting moderate a certain someone's comments. I gave you plenty of time to have a laugh and get it out of your system. But no joke stays funny forever.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Steam at the usual time. Sundays at 4:00pm pst.
See ya there.
Okay. Trying really hard to get this game out asap. Crafting recipes are all done. treasure chests would've been done but I found a script error with chests that give you recipes. Easy fix, I just have to make sure I find them all. About have the enemies are in the game and balanced. I've done a playthrough of all the events but the script issue might effect them too. Lotsa little stuff I'm trying to track down and fix. Will keep you posted.
See ya there.
Okay. Trying really hard to get this game out asap. Crafting recipes are all done. treasure chests would've been done but I found a script error with chests that give you recipes. Easy fix, I just have to make sure I find them all. About have the enemies are in the game and balanced. I've done a playthrough of all the events but the script issue might effect them too. Lotsa little stuff I'm trying to track down and fix. Will keep you posted.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Another weekly update.
Sorry for not having a stream this week everyone. Unfortunately this weekend was rather slow and I also had some annoying as hell real life errands to run that sent me across town twice which can eat up a fair chunk of your day when you don't drive. Fortunately that all got taken care of so it's back to work on Monday.
I did succeed in finishing the quest playthroughs though.
Also thanks for the support Aaron.
I did succeed in finishing the quest playthroughs though.
Also thanks for the support Aaron.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Hello Peoples. So finished play testing the prologue and have started with the first chapter. Update will be sparse as I'm not going to let you know about every single % I get done or every little error I find. There's lots of them. Trust me.
Also, no stream tomorrow because I have to attend a birthday dinner. Take care till next week.
Also, no stream tomorrow because I have to attend a birthday dinner. Take care till next week.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Middle of the week update; Well it's been fun lately. Galactic Civ 3, The Witcher 3, and a couple more personal emergencies, hence why I skipped the weekly update. I'll spare you the details but to tell you it wasn't me and the person is gonna be fine. Hope to be back on track by next weekend. Just wanted to let you all know I'm not dead.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
Alright. So earlier this week I mentioned a pic wasn't working with a characters updated faceset, thus, I had to redo it. I'm posting here because it's not really a spoiler. Just showing you what I've been doing the last 4 day so you don't think I'm too lazy.
This pic contains sexual themes so bear that in mind if you're new here and do not want. New version is on the left. And yes I probably could just draw in the extra details but then I thought... naw, I'M GOING TO ROCK THIS!
Also, Stream will be on Sunday at the usual time: 4:00. Cheers.
Sorry for the late update, tired as hell right now.
And back to sleep I go.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Okay, halfway through the playthrough of the prologue, figured I'd give you a step by step breakdown of what's been going on.
Rebuild and update the item database. Update loot drops and chest to match, add more chests. ::: Done.
Fix bug in quest system that causes quest not to update when changes are made. *this would screw you for playing subsequent chapters* :::Workaround found.
New error found today: cutscene does not match updated rin faceset. Basically I have to redo a pic.
Sorry guys, going as fast as I can.
Rebuild and update the item database. Update loot drops and chest to match, add more chests. ::: Done.
Fix bug in quest system that causes quest not to update when changes are made. *this would screw you for playing subsequent chapters* :::Workaround found.
New error found today: cutscene does not match updated rin faceset. Basically I have to redo a pic.
Sorry guys, going as fast as I can.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Prepping a post for tomorrows stream. It should be at 4:00. An update is unlikely because I haven't actually finished anything this week. But the day's not quite over yet so you never know.
Also, to revisit the Patreon idea I had a while back I decided against it. I really don't have much to offer in the way of rewards. and I don't think the fan base is big enough to make much money. Also it's something else I have maintain. I did add a Paypal button on the right. And just to reiterate, the donations are for the streams I do, not the game.
Also on more thing. I wanted to know if there's a wait time to view the stream I hosted on Vimeo. Because immediately after I uploaded it, it told me I had to wait half and hour to view it. So I'm wondering if that was just a one time thing or if I need to look into getting rid of that.
and the stream itself is Wasp appears short after 50 minutes in if you want to enjoy that again.
Also, to revisit the Patreon idea I had a while back I decided against it. I really don't have much to offer in the way of rewards. and I don't think the fan base is big enough to make much money. Also it's something else I have maintain. I did add a Paypal button on the right. And just to reiterate, the donations are for the streams I do, not the game.
Also on more thing. I wanted to know if there's a wait time to view the stream I hosted on Vimeo. Because immediately after I uploaded it, it told me I had to wait half and hour to view it. So I'm wondering if that was just a one time thing or if I need to look into getting rid of that.
Sorry all. No game update. Been fairly productive this week but didn't really finish anything.
Hope the art keeps you happy in the meantime. Hunter Ruby and some Leia fanart courtesy of my brother. Video will be up here as soon as I get it uploaded.and the stream itself is Wasp appears short after 50 minutes in if you want to enjoy that again.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
So. Prepping this post for tomorrow. Stream with be sunday, an hour later usual. So 5pm pst. Should also have an update on game progress. See you there.
Super fun stream. Was very surprised with the turnout. And I believe I promised you ladies gentlemen an update as well. Third dungeon is done minus the balancing as per the usual so there's only one more.
I'm probably going to finish balancing the prologue before I dig into the forth. Last time it took a week, but I wasn't rebuilding the item database. The again I've also been working on it here and there throughout last week. I'll let you know when it's done regardless.
To anyone who saw the issue I has having with the script, I figured it out and I'm an idiot. because the values that were changed... well. It would have had to of been me and I can't actually think of why I would change them so I must've been really stoned or something when I did that.
Video of Stream can be viewed here.
Super fun stream. Was very surprised with the turnout. And I believe I promised you ladies gentlemen an update as well. Third dungeon is done minus the balancing as per the usual so there's only one more.
I'm probably going to finish balancing the prologue before I dig into the forth. Last time it took a week, but I wasn't rebuilding the item database. The again I've also been working on it here and there throughout last week. I'll let you know when it's done regardless.
To anyone who saw the issue I has having with the script, I figured it out and I'm an idiot. because the values that were changed... well. It would have had to of been me and I can't actually think of why I would change them so I must've been really stoned or something when I did that.
Video of Stream can be viewed here.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Stream today at the usual time. See ya there.
Last stream didn't record anything. Gonna try it again today at 4 and see if it does the same thing.
Last stream didn't record anything. Gonna try it again today at 4 and see if it does the same thing.
-Site recorder is acting wonky. Not sure what to do about that...
-Still in the third dungeon.
-Started balancing play through to kind of break up the monotony of what I was doing.
-See ya next weak
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Stream will be on Sunday this week due to another fun filled dental appointment. See you then. Huzzah!
As for an update on the the game. I hope to be in the next dungeon by next week. Know me, it'll likely actually end up taking two. After that, basic balancing, after that, Beta testing. After that, release.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Just wanted to set up the weekend post as well as let you all know the stream is going to be on Sunday this week because I have a dental point and will likely be angry at life all day Saturday. See ya then.
Started working on a new character today. Stream is on hitbox. Game wise I've also started on the third dungeon. Not looking forward to balancing all this after I finish the forth one but progress is progress~ Take care everyone.
Started working on a new character today. Stream is on hitbox. Game wise I've also started on the third dungeon. Not looking forward to balancing all this after I finish the forth one but progress is progress~ Take care everyone.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
And now for the rare and illusive middle of the week post. So lately I've been thinking about starting up an art based Patreon. The idea would be that I'd do three videos during the week, two hours each. And none of the content produced would be gated.
Do you think that's something you guys would be interested in? and if so what do think the best times to stream for the other two videos would be.
Do you think that's something you guys would be interested in? and if so what do think the best times to stream for the other two videos would be.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Stream at the usual time ladies and gentleman. In regard to last topic you guys were mentioning. About quitting without letting anyone know.
That's already happened once. I still get people asking to finish fanfiction I started a 15 years ago.
I don't think that'll happen to this project though. I was very upfront in the beginning about doubting my ability to finish this. It's just nice a little daily stress reliever for me. See ya soon.

So Tuna's done. Might give her a hat but not gonna worry about that for now. next week I'll probably start a new character. I'd like to get a series of videos that goes from blank page to fully colored. No realy update on game progress unfortunately as I'm still working on the stuff I was working on last week. Take care everyone.
That's already happened once. I still get people asking to finish fanfiction I started a 15 years ago.
I don't think that'll happen to this project though. I was very upfront in the beginning about doubting my ability to finish this. It's just nice a little daily stress reliever for me. See ya soon.

So Tuna's done. Might give her a hat but not gonna worry about that for now. next week I'll probably start a new character. I'd like to get a series of videos that goes from blank page to fully colored. No realy update on game progress unfortunately as I'm still working on the stuff I was working on last week. Take care everyone.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
So I did some more coloring on Tuna during the stream today which should be on the hitbox account. Thanks for all that tuned in. Also tried solving some sound issued. Thanks to the cookie and infinity for helping me with that. Hopefully I'll remember it next week.
So right now I'm trying to get the tactical battle thing going. I have all the pieces but I think I might need a week or two to assemble it all. Then onto the third dungeon. Take care.
So right now I'm trying to get the tactical battle thing going. I have all the pieces but I think I might need a week or two to assemble it all. Then onto the third dungeon. Take care.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Just a heads up on the game plan today. Stream at 4pm as per the usual.
This week I've been working on some events between the second and third dungeons. Improving on of the scripts and lastly playing dying light... apparently it's pretty good. Hope to be in the third dungeon mid-this week. And thanks for all your continued support.
This week I've been working on some events between the second and third dungeons. Improving on of the scripts and lastly playing dying light... apparently it's pretty good. Hope to be in the third dungeon mid-this week. And thanks for all your continued support.
Character is Tuna with two cstume Idea I had. One I got shortly after the stream. Cheers.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Stream is gonna be a bit latter than normal today. still planning on two hours, starting a half hour later than usual. Also finishing up the e2nd dungeon today. two more to go.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Just giving you all a heads up. No stream this week. I start with my new Japanese tutor. Also had a dental appoint which also leaves me exhausted due to heavy amount of work I've got to get done.
On the game front. Okay, so two updates. One is I've found a better bestiary that includes stolen items as well as dropped items. Glad I kept looking. Not having that was kind of a pain.
The other one is I manage to upgrade Vlue's proximity script. It checks the distance between the player and events. Scripting scenes would be hell with out. Now it can check the distance of events from each other which will help down the road with push pull type puzzles. *Don't expect to see to many of them right now though.* I'm not redoing anymore maps this chapter. XD.
Vlue, if by some odd chance you see this. Thanks for making the script. Much love and respect.
If I get anything drawn I'll post it here. But at the moment I'm just trying to get the second dungeon done. Take care gentlemen see you next week.
On the game front. Okay, so two updates. One is I've found a better bestiary that includes stolen items as well as dropped items. Glad I kept looking. Not having that was kind of a pain.
The other one is I manage to upgrade Vlue's proximity script. It checks the distance between the player and events. Scripting scenes would be hell with out. Now it can check the distance of events from each other which will help down the road with push pull type puzzles. *Don't expect to see to many of them right now though.* I'm not redoing anymore maps this chapter. XD.
Vlue, if by some odd chance you see this. Thanks for making the script. Much love and respect.
If I get anything drawn I'll post it here. But at the moment I'm just trying to get the second dungeon done. Take care gentlemen see you next week.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Okay so just a little update on exactly what's going on.
1st Dungeon: Done
2nd Dungeon: In progress
Tactical Battle: Art assets done
3rd Dungeon: In Progress
4th: Dungeon; In Progress
Alpha Test: Myself and two others play through to make sure it's possible to reach the end.
BetaTest: Five People from the blog playtest to catch any minor errors.
At this point BoneHead is the ONLY thing I'm working on. When I finish the first chapter I plan on taking a short break to screw around on something else for a month. Not gonna give any details on that now.
I don't really know how quick it's going to be. I keep adding little stuff here at there so the levels don't just feel like padding. 2nd dungeon being a perfect example of that. I finished the main quest events earlier this week. But it felt a little dry going through it so I'm adding in things to increase your romance value and other little secrets. Also Steam on sunday. Will post here when done.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
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