Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just felt like giving an update. work has slowed a bit but not stopped with my new work hours and that Ki No Kuni game... which is freaking amazing by the way. Finished a couple maps and started on eventing. also been redoing a couple of the crappier Facesets. For example, Leia.
...One on the Right is the new one. Cheers.


  1. -Arms no longer deformed sticks.
    -Glasses instead of "goggles", along with having clearer and sharper eyes and a face with less of a dumbstruck look to it.
    -Skin tone improved.
    -Ribbon worn better along with her clothing's folds looking more natural.
    -Sleeves have changed along with her sash.
    -The, umm, button? (Can't actually identify it) has a different strap now.
    Hair pin has become more of an oval than before (looks less like a coin now)
    -And finally, the hair has been made more defined.

    Oh! And she shrunk a bit. :P

    If I had to find a problem with the new one, it would be the hair seems too shiny to me. Kinda like it is either make of plastic or she used an entire bottle of hair product on it.

    Conclusion? A definite improvement.

  2. Damn! You're just improving everything, aren't you?
    The World map, and now the appearances of the character?
    I'm looking forward to playing the next version of the game, but if taking your time means that the game is only going to look better then by all means, take your time. :D

  3. You know they both have their merits but I prefer the old design. Had more of a classic anime/cartoon feel. Do not misunderstand, I like the new one as well ^_^

  4. anon: Nothing wrong with that. Old design I was using older stuff for reference. But just the little things that I did to hide what I couldn't draw properly... kept bugging me.

  5. man, I wish I could draw that well. I know the answer is practice but since I'm more of a writer I prefer to just polish that instead ;)

    in any case im looking forward to the next game version more and more for each update here

  6. Hey Corey it's Starke,

    Sorry that the invitation to my forum was in such crazy times during a transition of a host and a domain to another, but we're now up and running 100% the link is

    Hope to see you there.

    1. Can someone that just wants to check out the games join?

    2. If Corey joins and then vouches for you, sure.

      It's invite based.

  7. Hi. This is my first time commenting here, and I already read through the posts. I am loving the game so far, but I do wish I had remembered the steal ability sooner, because I did more than 2000 damage to Reg before remembering I am supposed to steal the necklace not beat the guy to a pulp and take the necklace. I played the game before looking at the blog and I have to say the map system you came up with is much better than the one used by the current demo. I love the music in the game and think you should say what the music is from in the credits or something. I also don't think it is fair that Dryden does not get to say that the guard attacked him first before the whole "spirits that attack humans must be dealt with" thing. You could lock the skill Dryden so that it can only be used outside of battle and during plot battles so that noone can accidentally remove the bone armor during battle. Also, when you have to track down Yin there is nothing to indicate where she went so if you find the blightwoods it is by accident, I went to Autumn Woods first.

  8. Glad you enjoyed the game. As for the fairness. That will explained in the beginning of the next chapter. Suffice to say what fair is that Dryden be executed for causing that mess to begin with, but that'd make a short game.

  9. Is the first chapter going to be ready sometime next month? Its fine if it won't be, just curious is all.

    1. As much as I'd like to say yes, not even close. Ryo's cool. But he's having computer issues so his side of mapping is going slow. On my end, well same story actually computer ate one that I was working on and probably costed me a month right there. Small maps, I've finished in a day when I really worked non-stop on it. Big dungeons like the few I'm trying to get done now, take much much longer. and are further slowed down by the work schedule I mentioned

      Basically it boils down to the same thing. Graphics is the most intensive aspect of this game and about 95% is being done by me. I've gone looking to see if I could hire more help. In regard to mapping I've not found much in the way of quality online. Ryo's still my best best bet so I wish him all the luck in world. For H scenes, quality artwork in a similar style as mine is in high demand. So even if I could commission someone it would be very sporadic.

      It's... somewhat frustrating. But nothing I didn't see coming a mile away. All I can do is just keep on working on it.

    2. All of those are very understandable issues and I wish you and your team the best of luck in sorting them out. On the bright side you have still been able to progress even with the data you lost and are going to lose at some point in the future. If only computers didn't keep having problems like these. I have noticed that alot of people working on projects like this keep getting their stuff deleted at random by their computer.

    3. Maybe try using some version control hosting, like asembla or something. That way you won't lose anything even if your pc is dead. :)

  10. Did you ever think about Kickstarter?

    1. They don't allow adult stuff there but he can try

    2. That is true and Reg might find other people that could help him work on this by going there.

    3. Didn't know that, a shame really. First time hearing about though, it is probably worth a shot. Like Codered999 said, they could find help too.

  11. I Considered kick starter and offbeatr but not for long. I have no intention of making money off this. Many of the scripts and things that I've edited were done by others who don't approve of their stuff being used in commercial projects. While crowd funding isn't technically commercial it'd be a mighty big dick move on my part to try and get around them like that.

    Money is a non issue anyway. I have plenty of that already and I wouldn't work any less if I had any more. Capable people however are much harder to procure.

    Never considered them for project recruitment though. they don't seem to have any forums or anything I could use.

    1. You need a certain number of votes before you can recieve donations on offbeatr, but you can use to tell people about where you have the game details set up to improve traffic to hongfire and your blog. From there people that want to help with the project can volunteer on hongfire or here at the beermine. You should be able to tell people not to donate if you do get the required number of votes or take bonehead of the site before people can donate if noone pays attention to you saying not to donate, since it would not be your problem if they weren't paying attention.

  12. How is the first chapter coming along?

    1. It's about time I gave a status update anyway. I'll make a new post to bring you all up to date.
