Monday, March 11, 2013


More news. Another couple maps done. Found another older one that isn't was set aside for... well now expect it kinda suck now. So that'll have to be redone. I've got about three really big ones to go. After that. Eventing and art. been drawing a bit anyway whenever I feel the luls come for me.


  1. keep at it, I am eagerly waiting for whenever you got another version done

  2. This game is seriously amazing, the prologue is seriously well done. The introduction to the paper mansion was right up there on the 'will remember this forever' tier.
    How Dryden obtained his armor was pretty unique, had been wondering how he'd get the kit from the start screen and bam, that happens.
    Words can not express how awesome you are for making this.

  3. Gotta agree, this game very quickly shot to near the top of my fav games list. Eagerly awaiting any news, tid bits of art, or story you drop our way. Nearly salivating at the thought of a new chapter.
