Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daylight saves time in Canada. If you effected by it, the stream will be at 5pm if not, the it's the usual 4 pm. Cheers gents.

Results from the stream. Also started recording so can watch the video if you want.


  1. I have a question Reglles. How many "romances" will be available in 1 chapter ?
    In prologue there was 4 girls, we know that maybe female blackmisth will yoin this group and of course new girl (lord fraction), so...there would be more than 6 or no :)
    Oh and I would forgot thx for hard work :D

    1. Three new romances. Limited interaction for the first chapter though.

    2. Thx for quick respond :) If i can push forward- are you man who like "corruptions" ?
      And when i talking about corruption i mean do you like the concept of corrupting women in bonehead?
      For example, Lady Rin (as a miko) is pure, mature young and strong willed woman, is hard to imagine that Drieden somewhat could make do anything eachi to her-yet...

    3. That depends on what route he goes with it. Not every religion is so full of sex hate/fear. Lots of them saw sex as a good thing, and temple maidens were to be the brides/mates of the gods/spirits, etc. So if Dyrden's "Bone Spirit" becomes the protector, then him/it having sex with the mikos wouldn't necessarily be a "bad" thing.

    4. That sounded "extra" dirty Cloud :D

    5. Dont think he will be a protector.Its already established hes a evil spirit that killed a guy.But you never know it is possible considering.....Spoilers.....
      Reggy may surprise us.But you never know till we see and thats comin soon since 2 dungs left

    6. @Anon; I do like corruptions actually. I swear as soon I can understand japanese I'm replaying demonion. Twice. But usually only when it main character doing it. *For anyone new to the blog I'm not the hugest fan of neotare.*

      Problem is there's a character breaking element to it. It's part of the draw but it also makes them hard to use and write for. I've had ideas for corruption dynamics, but not really anything I can use. I don't think it's going to be a major dynamic.

    7. Well Nikola, per Regless himself, there are several factions. One being the miko faction. If you play on that side (whenver it actually gets to the point where we can do separate playthroughs with the different factions) then I would assume that you would become their protective spirit. Admittedly, that's an assumption on my part, but still.

    8. Thats what i said ya never know. It could be regardless of faction.You might save town then they prase you.You might get a chance to explain yourself.Lady Yun might make some shit up cos she does know your identity and so on.Or you may be a enemy all the time but its unlikely

    9. I figured as much. Just thought you might want to know what made me think it likely.

  2. Whos dryden's navi like familiar?

  3. Yay colored Tuna. Now we can eat in technicolor!

  4. Thank you for uploading your video. I tried getting on your stream for months, being an european it's pretty hard getting on the right time when you stream.

  5. I'll just leave this here:

    1. Funny thing is Slyvanis runs around with more clothing on her than the women that go jogging around my street.

      There are alot of real world issues, pixelated cleavage isn't one of them.


    2. To be fair, the women jogging around your block probably aren't on their way to a battle ground. And if they were, they'd probably suit up in something a little more substantial than the hard leather bustier.

      But does anybody really think making games with only with fully armored women is an effective way to counter balance the shear number of scantily clad warriors?

      I'm with Harman. I'd rather see variety. Bad asses and vixens unite.

    3. Glad someone has some damned sense. Good on ya Hartman. Also it seems Mr Aegies is a writer for polygon, and has a suicide girls account. Which kind of explains why he has to write stupidity, and show he's as guilty of sexualizing women as everyone else.

      Seems kind of stupid to poke at Sylvannis though. She's been smoking hot and scantily clad for over a decade. It's stupid to change established character designs without a good reason. Some people are still ticked off that Sally wears pants now.

      Mind you there are bad examples. Zero Suit Samus is hot as all hell but I still find that whole concept rather dumb. Still didn't find it a step back though... until other M... where she started blubbering like a big baby. I should stop now. I feel the rage kicking in.

      Also it's dumb to blast the game industry for catering to popularity. But that's another conversation... a long one... with lots of examples and my typing with caps lock on fifty minutes.

    4. Ok. Hold on... I gotta find it know. There's a comic strip I saw that I feel really puts a lot of this in perspective.

    5. Has the Yakuza been staying off your back regless-san?

      Ill leave this here too :P
      Watch it its perfect.

    7. Also that arthur is kinda....Bad.....Frst of all sylvanas was always portrayed like that changing her look is like changing her character.

    8. warriors nude in combat

      for the one that argued that a woman wouldnt go nude to a war...

    9. I found it!

    10. I happen to agree with both sides as they both make valid points. However, if you've ever seen the movie "300" you will know this is not an exclusively female "problem".

    11. Hey Robert.... y do u care? It's not a big deal.

    12. Honestly... I don't really. I just find the whole thing entertaining. ^_^
      Admittedly, I can be a bit of an ass-hat at times.
      But in the grand scheme of things....

    13. I don't know why you'd say you "agree with both sides" because that requires u to agree with neither.

      One side says women are being objectified using (from a practical combat sense) useless armor that improves their armor rating vastly. They feel it's alienating and offensive for a female to be portrayed in this sense.

      The other side says, "so what? Play something else of it matters so much to you." The reason I pick this side is the following reason: I'm disgusted by gay porn. Do I watch it? No. I make the decision every day not to give a fuck and let someone else watch it. I don't care if they do or don't. And if I were to say what other people should be doing with their free time and say, "STOP LIKING THINGS I DON'T LIKE" I'd be an immature guy with way too much free time on my hands.

      As for saying "Objectively speaking that armor shouldn't protect them!"

      Objectively speaking it's a fantasy universe with dragons and magic, where a human can solo dragons with swords, why the fuck are u taking an issue with the cleavage?

    14. The thing is even lore wise it makes sense.She is a archer that means she doesnt need massive armor to weigh her down she needs speed and dex so havin armor to protect some of the vitals and thats it.And to people that say that not protectin the abdomen is wrong well.Look at a archers stance while walking and firing the abdomen is protected by the weapon and arms.She has arm guards....
      Heres how i see it tanky chars should have curves but more covered up look at leona or diana from league of legends for example full boddy armor then you have some one like katerina that is all dex she is more exposed weaker hp but massive dmg and mobility
      Plus as you say fantasy world

  6. So reg how is dung 3 goin along?

    1. Haven't reached it yet. Still stuck doing the events between dungeons.

    2. T_T
      So much WANT, not enough HAVE.

    3. And I thought you were done with everything EXCEPT for the dungeons?

    4. robert, isn't patience a virtue?

    5. I'm pretty sure you thought that cuz that's what I said at some point. But, and here's anothr secret. I am an idiot sometimes... most times... Don't trust me. I'm white. We're full of it. Forever and always. This whole week has actually been really slow. Sinus infections, work, dental appointments and meeting the family is just eating up all the time I have to be constuctructive. Been a while since I've actually been disappointed in how much I got done. And I don't set my standards very high. Hopefully more luck next week.

    6. Oh well when ya cant work ya cant work :)

    7. Yes, patience is a virtue, but complaining is faster. Besides, it shows I care.

    8. Wait... Regless,... when you say we shouldn't trust you.... does that mean when you say that you still have 2 more dungeons to complete, that you're actually already finished? o.O
      Dun dun DUUUN!
