Thursday, May 21, 2015

Middle of the week update; Well it's been fun lately.  Galactic Civ 3, The Witcher 3, and a couple more personal emergencies, hence why I skipped the weekly update. I'll spare you the details but to tell you it wasn't me and the person is gonna be fine. Hope to be back on track by next weekend. Just wanted to let you all know I'm not dead.


  1. This is a stupid question but, where can i download the game?

    1. The demmo? Or actual game.Demo has been out a while a go try hogfire and actual game not yet wait a bit

  2. Your right, Galactic Civ 3 and The Witcher 3 ARE personal emergencies. They any good?

    1. GC3 is fairly good, but feels unbalanced against the comp, still fun. killed two days straight on of the campaigns (might be more).... I think... time kinda got lost. witcher 3 is usual for witcher games for me. It's a struggle to get past the first 6 hours then you'll pry it from my cold dead hands.

  3. Definitely know what you mean about The Witcher 3....started playing it on Wednesday and suddenly next thing I know it's Friday afternoon. Pretty sure I just fell asleep at my desk and then immediately started playing when I woke up...or at least I think I slept.

    By the way has anyone seen the background for this blog and just gone 'Damn I need to give this screen a wipe, there's crap all over it.' ? Just did and feel kinda dumb.

    And Mr Robert. The Witcher 3. Go play it. Naow. Or don't if you want to see sunlight again. It is genuinely hard to put down. You finish a quest thinking that'll be it for the night only to just start the next one or ruminate the dumb decisions you made in the quest you just completed. I've already led two communities to their deaths because I wasn't ruthless enough.

    1. HA! Nice. Lol. And yes. I've done the screen thing before... on several occasions. As for "The Witcher 3" I can't get it. I have yet to purchase a next gen system or a computer powerful enough to run it.

    2. Witcher 3 well.....the ending was kinda meh
