Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stream at 4;30 today, so twenty minutes. Found major bug with the crafting system that would've forced everyone to restart when playing through subsequent chapters. I think I found a solution. Not the best one but it seems to work.


  1. Glad you found it, I have to say, your avatar might be 3 bats short of a Joker party, but you are thorough.

  2. I could not go through saving other friends other than that guard and lady. I see one of my friends on an edge of the screen but could not find how I could get there. I am kinda stuck right there right now.. Anyone has any save or anyone can explain how I'll keep getting progress? Thanks!

    1. Look in the place you constantly ignore. There's a door in the shadows.

    2. You are right that I cannot find that door in the shadows. Where is it at exactly? Close to that standing zombie? I could not figure out what to do with that zombie as well. And Guard and that Lady did not give me anything that would be helpful. They did not say anything at all.. Should I try to talk to them after I take my zombie armor off?

    3. Going by pure memory... I think it was in the same room as the Priestess and her guard. Under a bridge, I think.

  3. Hey! Bug discovery is *my* job Regless!!! (I'll just keep saying things like this until you believe that I'm a beta.)

    1. Duno so far im the only one who found a a bug in prologue :P

    2. ... I found a bug in my soup. Does that count..... WAITER! THERE'S A BUG IN MY SOUP!

    3. "I'm terribly sorry, we hired a frenchman and he's been getting...experimental"

      You guys find bugs, but the hidden goodies are all mine to discover hehehe

    4. Actually Nikola, I found a few bugs. Just didn't post them here. They were posted in the thread on hongfire.

    5. Cloud20987 here = lunasmeow there.

    6. Hell no. I couldn't think of a name that wasn't already taken one day while making a username. My cat (Luna) kept getting on the keyboard and voicing her opinion that I should be petting her instead of browsing the web. Hence the name.

  4. Ye i know there are a few. Encounter refreshing flag not actuvating then you got a few exploits and so on

  5. Where can I get the latest version of this game also does it end at the prologue or is it just me?

    1. It ends there for now newest ver soon reg needs to finish up dungeon 4 a few bugs and a playtest

  6. Look at urselves... you are writhing in the pools of your sweat... you wish I was here to undeadify this pitiful blog...


    1. Wow.... did he really name himself "NotTroll"? Me thinks he doth protest too much.

    2. Meh, he was amusing at first. Slightly. Now he's just... there. Like faded wallpaper.

  7. Reg Why dont ya show the gay elf hunter :P
