Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stream at 4:00pm today. see ya guys there.


  1. What is the first bonus on the dye job mission the bar keep gives you in Kamidori? I cannot figure it out.

    1. Are you talking about the maps?

      The bonuses are map specific. I won't tell you what they are but there's a newgame + option that reveals the bonuses.

    2. Found the wiki, so I'm good. This game is fucking addictive as you said, completely takes the taste of Rance out of my mouth.

    3. Keep in mind that Kamidori is one of, if not the tamest game of the company. It's also the least impressive storywise, in my opinion at least. But if you found Rance unpleasant, stay away from the rest of their games, or at least their Dark Paths.

    4. He was an asshole but that did add to the comedy at times, my main issue with that game was the endless traps. You had to know exactly what you were doing 10 turns in advance at all times or you were screwed. Still, I'm willing to give the next one in the series a chance.

    5. Kamidori is really nice, as it lets you progress on your pace and wont force out an ending, also the main character is probabaly the nicest guy alive^^
      I played trough Sengoku Rance (7) several times (double digits), only 2 runs really messed me up, the first one, yes you get rushed in the story, but even though sth it feels like you will get overrun, its very hard to actually loose, since there are many fail-save-switches, so as long as you dont go down the darker routes its rather doable (dont rape stuff). On hardest difficulty it gets crazy but its a lot of fun^^, I think its on of the few games were i actually enjoded game+ runs, i would defintly try it again ;)
      I never played BigBang Age as i hate loosing stuff for no fault of mine and all reviews seem to focus on telling you were to be cautious about that. I wonder if I should try it anyway, or if it really is that hard?
      Anyway what I really want so say; sadly there are very few really good games with tasteful art and story, I loved the demo on reglesses game and hope it will be as awesome in the next release :)

  2. If I wanted to watch the stream how do I go about doing that.

    1. so really no one has a response for me?

      Sundays around 4pm PST

      Sorry I thought I already responded but I guess I got sidetracked.

  3. Wow... people really have some divisive opinions about Rance.

  4. Yo robert, I know you're a feminist, how do u feel about the things that happened here?


      I'm kind of hit or miss on Sargon of Akkad vids but I did find this one amusing.


      Also a Christina Hoff video. Because sometimes we all need a little sanity.

    3. Wow anonymous. That video is just sad. While I don't agree with the opinion she "voiced" at the walk. I do agree that the women were awful for trying to silence her opinion. That contradicts most pf what they were trying to say. She's entitled to her own opinion.
      Also, I'm not a feminist, because I believe one can't be a feminist without having some degree of sexism. After all, feminism is saying that women should be treated more fairly. I believe EVERYONE should be treated fairly. So I'm more of an equalist, or something like that.

    4. Why do people believe in "rape culture?"

      You probably don't know much about rape culture. Go to places in Africa, where women are punished by law, by rape. Or, go to a male prison, where rapes are casually overlooked.

      But don't give me this crap, that regretting it in the morning is rape. Don't give me that crap, that not knowing their past is rape.

    5. Ummmm.... yeah... I wasn't... and just cuz those things don't happen doesn't mean it's not a problem.
      If two people have a heroine addiction, but one stabs their kids and the other just spends all their money on drugs; then guess what... they BOTH still have a fucking problem.

    6. Rape culture means a culture so desensitized to rape, it tolerates and possibly supports rape. A few locations in Africa rape women as punishment for breaking laws. That's rape culture.

      The feminists I've seen in 1st world countries tend to think a sip of alcohol and consent is equivalent to rape.


      Also there's a new type of rape apparently. It's called switch rape and it occurs when you change positions without asking. I'm sure many of you think I'm joking. That's okay. I looked it up, and I still think I'm joking. But apparently it's a thing. LOL.

    8. I imagine from that reg
      In prison:
      What are you in here for:
      1st guy Mass murder
      2nd guy robed a bank
      3rd guy i went missionary position when she wanted reversecowgirl......

    9. Reg you beast! How dare you try to be on top!

    10. I... don't know how to respond to that....

    11. Also, to anonymous. Again, just cuz we don't have that kind of rape culture, doesn't mean we don't have a culture of rape...just because we're not Europe doesn't mean we're not a western culture. Just cuz mold isn't in a petri dish doesn't mean it's not a germ culture. Just because a stalk of corn doesn't grow on a farm doesn't mean it's not agri-culture. Lol. Oh wordplay... you never cease to amuse.

    12. Idk if ur joking about rape or whatever robert, either way idk what ur trying to say or why your trying to say it.
