Sunday, June 21, 2015

Stream at 5:00 today. I'm a little behind. Prolly not gonna do the full two hours. cheers.


  1. First time watching, played the game a while ago. Nice to see it doing progress ^^

    Thanks for the stream!

  2. Regless are you ready for the exciting new metroid game everyone's been asking for?

    1. I did not ask for that. No one asked for that. ;~;.

    2. That was suppose to be a crying face... I failed.

    3. Thats how you milk a franchise till its so dry people start hating it.....Nintendo knows how to do that well

    4. *Cough**Cough**Cough* Mario *Cough**Cough**Cough*



    1. lol. Leave the stupid alone. Back away slowly. It's often contagious.

    2. I.... But....
      *sound of footsteps*
      *sound of a chair being pulled out*
      *beep* *whirrrrrr*
      *windows boot-up sound*
      *click click clack clickity-click clack*
      ...IQreductor.exe initializing...
      ... Would you like to run this program?
      Choose file...
      ...program starting up...


    Justice is being served. A little raging kid actually made to apologize and call a guy sir.

  5. You know what? I'm gonna breathe some life back into this site. And how am I going to do that, you may ask?
    Why the same way I always do; By stirring up controversy.

    please, if you watch this, then please watch it all the way through. That's all I ask.
    Feel free to respond with you're opinion.
    Fair warning... I will likely respond to your opinion with mine.

    1. If it's that you refuse to watch it all the way through, then he nailed you on the head.

    2. refuse to watch it i will never open that link u cant make me :P

    3. What if I offered... cookies? * gives a sly eyebrow wiggle*

    4. Im the darkside i already got chocolate chip cookies so no

    5. hi fives cloud. So, which percent are you then?

    6. I like old school weaponry. If you're gonna kill someone, get in their face and do it. And use some actual skill. Guns aren't that difficult unless you're adding in crazy ranges. Especially with the laser sights on them now...

    7. But I was the percent that agreed with him. Not because I'm against guns, but because I've always said what he does. The rules are about the lowest common denominator. And unfortunately it takes one asshole to fuck it up for everyone else.

    8. But that isn't controversy. That is facts. Facts that gun activists refuse to see because of their stance on guns rather than on truth. THIS is controversy:

      Where are the black people complaining about violence and being oppressed and not enough security in schools? If this video was about 3 white people beating a black kid they'd be there. It'd be all over national news. They aren't here. Because when it's black on black violence they pretend it doesn't exist. Makes me ashamed to be black when I see things like this.

    9. It's ok dude. Most people just need to be given a chance.

    10. So im guessing its someting about guns are bad and they do violence.
      Well id remove em from the public.My country has no guns and there is rarely and crime

    11. Content wasn't even available cloud.

    12. They deleted it. Three kids were beating up aonther kid for making honor roll in school. 95% average.

    13. Of course, the reason it wasn't in the news was because it's only news when it's black VS white violence, not when it's white/white or black/black...

    14. Yup. People are morons and the idea of common sense is bullshit.

  6. That Rance game you recommended to me is a set up. I get to around turn 52 and now I'm stuck trying to kill Oda and can't do shit beyond that. Is there any way to actually get the game to let you progress so it isn't a suicide mission?

    1. Ohh, sounds like someone didnt throw rance and Kishin in dungeons.

      Nikola if you've never played Rance 7 then get it and play it. It is largely considered the best hentai game of all time and that still holds up to today.

    2. I'm out of dungeons to throw him in, I only had 5 to go to before the game screwed me over.

    3. Release people or have the people in ur dungeons join ur team.

    4. Finally pulled it off, helped that I didn't have Oda spam the area attack spell. I actually feel bad for Chinu, not sure why beyond being killed by the sealed creepy dude.

    5. There's a bunch of traps like that. The game is hard, and as you've probably noticed your now on a time so you can't build up and do anything. Wait until the demon homosexual shows up. That was annoying.

    6. Right now I'm having to worry about the bleeping lemons and I have no idea where to look for them.The brute force way they shove the story along really kills any enjoyment for me at this point, along with the traps.

      Be nice if there was an effective walkthrough to help, the wiki has jack all for useful info

    7. I'm deleting it, if the game is forcing itself to this degree, it's not playable just strong-arming the player along. Plus the sex scenes are mostly creepy with the vast majority of women looking underage. The main character is an abusive shit, and there are too many instances of the player being punished for doing well or winning creatively. Waay to many deus ex machina moments. So thanks for the recommendation Regless but I honestly regret playing this game as I lost a lot of time on it for too little enjoyment. I do hope the helman rebellion one is better.

      The sad part is I had fun with the dungeon crawls, getting to know some of the characters and having to really think on how to win battles beyond simply slaughtering the enemy to a man (although that always kicked ass too.). It just comes down to it doesn't matter, the player has no real choice in what happens and the game will not let any deviation happen.

    8. Isn't that how games used to be?

    9. "The main character is an abusive shit"

      "no deviation"

      There's tons of randomly generated events, as well as different story routes after you beat the game.

      As for Rance's personality, he really does turn out to have a soft side.

      I dont think the girls looked underage??? Rance doesnt even do lolis unless hes drunk.

    10. Just because someone has a "soft side" doesn't make them not abusive assholes. There are plenty of tyrants IRL who are soft and sweet to their daughters. Rance is basically a rapist dick. At least from the one I played. Not everyone can play that kind of game. I can, but only when they're well done story wise and not pretending to not be what they are. If you're going to have a rapist protag, have a fucking rapist. Not this pussyfooting around where he's somewhere inbetween.

  7. lol, yeah. Rance is still like 90% abusive shit though. There are multiple routes though, I think like 4 major ones, just hard as hell. I kinda wanna recommend big bang age now just to see the rage. Cuz holy crap that game is brutal.

    1. whats the problem with big bang age? i liked the visuals but havent played it yet

    2. Oh my shit that game was hard.

      I only barely made it through normal mode after constantly saving and loading, and I assure you theres tons of traps which will cause you start the whole damn game over (not understanding the loyalty mechanic)

    3. What if i told you i dont find the game hard........

    4. We would assume you were lying.

    5. It's like Sengoku Rance on hard mode. Still haven't made it to the end. Seems to punish you for not being able to second guess the plot. And some functions on the national stage are locked for stupid amount of time, like the upgrade mechanic for territories. Also locks out certain characters based on other you recruit for no real reason, which is really annoying.

    6. See, stuff like that drives me crazy. I don't mind genuine challenges but when winning the game is dependent on outside sources of information to figure out what to do next, then how is the player supposed to progress.

      With Rance, there seems to be a magical speed of progression you have to follow in the first game, too fast and the story is pushed forward past means to beat it. Too slow and the initiative is perpetually taken from you.

      I can see where I made a lot of mistakes, areas I could have ignored and gone to war with later to prevent plot rushing. But I just didn't feel it was worth starting over again after the 5th time. It's hard to enjoy the plot when you are spending so much time working around it or trying to avoid it.

    7. I havent played sengoku but i have played big bang age

  8. I played Kichikou Rance, and after I found out Rance's rival: Milli Yorks canonically dies because Kichikou wasn't canon I got a serious case of feels.

    1. Speaking of canon deaths, who else is pissed off because Disney bought Star Wars and said all the books are no longer canon but are essential piles of ink-stained paper, that Boba Fett dying in the Sarlac Pit now technically IS canon?
