Saturday, January 19, 2019

Planning to stream for a couple hours on sunday. 12:00-2:00pm pst.


  1. Hope you're doing well. Any information for a release date or what you're doing with the game so far?

    1. showed the maps to some a friends a couple weeks ago to see what they though. most of them did pretty good. One was an absolute mess to the point that even the tiles, although they looked nice, were funtionally useless.

      Jumping keeps causing issues so I'm going to try and finish the prologue without it. I've spent way to long battling graphical errors and the like. I may have a fix, but for not I'm not even going to try it. That damn thing has eaten up so many months because I wanted it in so badly.

      Development is slow right now. Sucks. I know. I had a good run a couple months getting 5 to six hours in daily, now it's more like half an hour. but that's how the job goes. I don't know when the slowdown are going to hit it just seems to be par for the course. Makes me glad again I haven't accepted money for this yet. the deadline would be stressing me out pretty bad if I did.

      No word on a release date for the prologue even though I know you guys would me too since I can't predict the work schedule. Cheers.

  2. Regless the truth is we just like to hear from you every now and again. There were so many creators that stopped updating thier followers and dare I say fans after some time. We'd like to know you're doing okay, still alive, in good health - even if you may not have time to work on anything. Cheers man.
